Choose YOUR perfect plan

Level 1 is a Do-it-Yourself Leaflet in PDF complete with a How-To-Video Tutorial which details the program.
This is the full program with easy-to-follow step-by-step directions which includes a product guide.
The video & leaflet will walk-you-through the basics in a “step-by-step” way that allows you to do at your own pace.
The SKINPLUMP Method is a toolkit of facial stimulation that will tone and revitalize your facial skin and facial muscles.
This material is learning for life that you can pull out of the closet whenever you need it – at anytime for your entire life span!
(discount at checkout)

Level 2 is a group of four personal sessions which guide you through the Skinplump process including one-time plans for your unique skin situation for each session.
Here you get additional insider information on products and techniques not included on level 1.
These sessions will be face-to-face on Skype or Zoom so that together we can move you from where your skin is at to where it needs to be with your own personalized plan within the SKINPLUMP Method.
This includes lifetime membership to the SKINPLUMP PRIVATE MEMBERS ONLY FB Group.

As a response to your request, this is a level 2 extended version!
These face-to-face sessions will regularly assess, plot out, and monitor your unique plan in over 16 sessions and up to two years to use all sessions.
Here you can expect detailed instructions, new innovations, deep therapies and evolving plans for your specific needs complete with a long-term follow up plan to remould your skin back to its original shape.
This includes lifetime membership to the SKINPLUMP PRIVATE MEMBERS ONLY FB Group.
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